Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2/4/09 Board of Directors Meeting Plainfield Art League

The Board of Directors meeting was attended by Mike Bessler, Cheryl Carman, Joe Hadamik, Sheryl Jones, Chairman, Tina Storey, Treasurer, and Christine Kohn, Secretary.

COMING EVENTS were discussed and information updated or confirmed for the following:

Artist's Swap Event  Christine Kohn will organize and draft a communication piece to be circulated to members for a date to be determined.  The swap will be for members only, and will include only art related items (art supplies and materials, books, videos, frames etc.).

Art drop-off for the AFA High School Senior's scholarship competition will be Feb 19 from 1pm to 9pm. Entry forms have been circulated. So far, only response has been from PNHS.   

Gerardo Valerio Workshop The workshop has been rescheduled for March 28th and 29th.  The fee for the two day workshop with be $250.  The workshop will be added to the Class Schedule on the PAL website.  Press releases have been handled.

Feb 21 - "RU in the Know" Workshop hosted by the AFA; group discount available.  Registration encouraged.  Sponsorships still available with opportunity to promote artist specific businesses.

Fundraising activities and community events were discussed to determine whether to participate:  including St. Patrick's Day Parade (March 8);   Plainfield Area Chamber of Commerce Business Expo (March 28); Shorewood Area Chamber of Commerce Business Expo (March 7); Eggstraordinary window painting (April 4 paint date for April 11 event); Springfest  (May 15, 16,17) and Plainfield Fest (July 17, 18, 19). 

It was decided that PAL would not participate in the St. Patrick's Day Parade, nor either of the business expos, based on costs and little potential benefit to PAL.   Preliminary plans were made to participate in Eggstraordinary window painting, Springfest and Plainfield Fest. 

Eggstraordinary window painting will be managed by Sheryl Jones.  The "Adventures in Art" class will not meet on paint day (April 4), although the students will be encouraged to participate in painting windows.  The art class will meet the following Saturday (April 11) during the Eggstraordinary event. 

Springfest  (May 15, 16, 17) 

Registration fee for NFP's is $25; to participate NFP's  may hand out literature, but must host one game or event that can also be a fundraiser.  Face painting was suggested as a possible activity (Christine Kohn to price face paints.)  Sheryl and Tina will survey contacts for appropriate price to charge.  Volunteers will be needed for Friday, 5/15 in the gallery for student AP show opening (1), and for Saturday and Sunday (4 to face paint and 1 for  gallery).

Note: Student AP show will be running concurrently in the Gallery.  Installation will be May 14. Opening for students and parents will be May 15. Cupcakes and coffee to be served. 

Plainfield Fest (July 17, 18, 19) 

Registration fee and NFP participation rules same deal as Springfest.  Face painting may again be the activity if successful at Springfest. Other suggested activities were tatoos (Oriental Trading Company a possible source), henna art, making coffee filter butterflies. 

Art Show at Mayslake Peabody Estate (Oak Brook) (July 25, 26)

Each Art League will be allowed to set up one booth free of charge. A brief discussion of the possible uses of such a booth included having members' work on display (with exhibiting members present); exhibit Best of the Best selections; permit members to exhibit for a fee payable to PAL.  To proceed we need volunteers to manage this as a project. 


Funding:  the Village of Plainfield is working on its budget now; an update on the Village's plan for continued funding of non-profit organizations is expected after the Village's budget meeting on 2/5/09. 

Sponsor's Email: a draft proposal for ads to appear in PAL's newsletter was presented by Joe Hadamik.  The PAL Newsletter will include a Sponsor's Page which will raise funds by charging fees for ads to appear for one year in a bi-monthly or possibly monthly newsletter.  After discussion, the following price structure was decided for an annual fee:  full page $1000;

1/2 page ad $500; 1/4 page ad $250; 1/8 page ad $100.   

Status with instructors' W-9's and issuance of 1099's:  The Board unanimously approved the following resolution: 

RESOLVED, that all instructors of classes or workshops conducted on behalf of Plainfield Art League must submit a complete and signed W-9 (or W-8 for foreign instructors) before a class will be scheduled beginning January 2009. 

Exhibit Art Not Picked Up: following review of prior discussions on the problem of artists not picking up exhibited art work on the pickup date or within a reasonable time afterwards, the Board unanimously approved the following resolution: 

RESOLVED, that the following policy is adopted and shall be noted on all exhibit forms: "Artwork that is not picked up within10 days of the designated pickup date will become the property of Plainfield Art League and may be disposed of at PAL's discretion." 



Individual Member Exhibits:  The possibility of individual members exhibiting and selling their work was discussed.  Two areas in the gallery could be made available at a relatively small cost. Schedules, fees to be charged, and the responsibilities of the artist and PAL were suggested.  Tina Storey and Christine Kohn will begin drafting forms for these exhibits which we may be ready to begin March or April, 2009.  Although handling exhibit times will be first come first served, the first schedule will be determined by some fair method like drawing names and months from a hat.  

Open House for Exhibits:  A member brought up the idea of holding an Open House for the opening a each new exhibit.  Members could come and bring guests to show off their artwork.  Plainfield TVcould be invited.  New volunteers to manage this would be needed.   


Prices for Artwork:  Although PAL does not sell artwork, artists will be contacted on request of an interested buyer.  Beginning with the March exhibit, space to enter the price of each piece will be provided on the exhibit entry form, on the card identifying the work in the exhibit, and on the exhibit log.   

Expanding Exhibit Area:  The price of purchasing moulding to increase the wall exhibit space was discussed and tabled pending outcome of Village's budgeting decisions.   

Cleaning and Organizing Studio: Volunteers will be recruited to clean and organize. 

Lighting: An electrician provided by the landlord will be working on removing the fans and installing new fixtures to improve the overhead lighting. 

Submitted by: 

Christine Kohn, Secretary

February 9, 2009