Saturday, December 17, 2016

Plainfield Art League ONS winner Susan Winter in the news

Local artist, Susan Winter won the Best of Show ribbon at the Plainfield Art League (PAL), December, One Night Show (ONS).  Susan won the award for her watercolor artwork titled "American Flag". Judge Jim Bradey's comments were "Great contrast of colors, nice dark background - the little girl and the flag jump out - emotion is felt."  
Congratulations Susan!

Here's the newspaper article in the Herald News:

All PAL meetings are free and open to the public.  PAL meets and hold its' demos on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm to 8:45pm at the Plainfield Public Library located at 15025 S. Illinois Street, in downtown Plainfield. This facility is handicapped accessible. For more information, please visit us at

Susan Winter wins Best of Show ribbon for her artwork titled "American Flag" at the PAL December One Night Show.

Monday, October 31, 2016

November 2nd Meeting

The Plainfield Art League (PAL) starts meeting on the first Wednesday of the month this month.

This meeting is November 2nd, 7pm at the Plainfield Library
- This is a free meeting and open to the public -
November 2nd - Demo: Problem solving and critique
Bring in some artworks in process, finished, or artworks that need some inspiration. Let's discuss them at this meeting. Also Freddie Harmon will be discussing an interesting watercolor pouring technique.

We’re having a raffle of the Pottery Bowl that Joe Hadamik donated to PAL at his demo in September.  $2 per ticket, Drawing at Nov 2nd meeting. See our website for a picture of the bowl at

The artwork at our permanent exhibit in the Plainfield Community Center (PCC) was changed on Oct 24th so go see the new artwork

November 1st - "Come Paint With Us"
Open paint sessions at the Plainfield Community Center on Tuesdays in Nov. 12:30pm to 3pm. Bring your own supplies and your current drawing/painting project.

November 3rd - PAL Sponsored "Pouring Watercolor" 3 day Class
Thur Nov 3, Tues Nov 8, and Thur Nov 10, 12:30pm-3pm,
at the Plainfield Community Center
Cost is $60 for the 3 days, most supplies furnished.
Contact Freddie Harmon 815-685-8423.

November 17th - Changeout of exhibit at Plainfield Township Building
Nov 17th at 10:30am
Members, please pickup your hanging artwork and dropoff 2-3 new pieces to hang. If you haven't displayed here yet, please participate in this opportunity. If you can't make the pickup, please make arrangements.

Plainfield Art League promotes interest, knowledge, support and participation in the Fine Arts. All meeting are free and open to the public. Meeting location is handicapped accessible.

Plainfield Art League Artwork locations and information
PAL has 2 artwork exhibit locations that you can visit:

Permanent Exhibit at Plainfield Community Center (PCC)

Permanent Exhibit at Plainfield Township offices


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

PAL Board Meeting Wed Oct 26th - Panera 127th & Rt 59 NW corner

The Plainfield Art League BOARD begins meeting on the last Wednesday of the month this month.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Plainfield Art League - November 2nd Meeting

The Plainfield Art League (PAL) starts meeting on the first Wednesday of the month this month.

This meeting is November 2nd, 7pm at the Plainfield Library
- This is a free meeting and open to the public -
Demo: Problem solving and critique
Bring in some artworks in process, finished, or artworks that need some inspiration. Let's discuss them at this meeting. Also Freddie Harmon will be discussing an interesting watercolor pouring technique.

We're having a raffle of the Pottery Bowl that Joe Hadamik donated to PAL at his demo in September.  $2 per ticket, Drawing at Nov 2nd meeting. See our website for a picture of the bowl at

Plainfield Library is located 15025 S Illinois St, Plainfield, IL 60544 click=map