Saturday, February 25, 2017

Plainfield Art League - Mar 1st - 7pm meeting, demo by Sandra Bacon and ONS at Plainfield Library

March 1st - 7pm meeting, demo and ONS at Plainfield Library
demo by Sandra Bacon

This is a free meeting and open to the public, so all you friends of PAL, come back and see how we're doing

Acrylics as Water Media(and watercolor)
Golden Working Artist, Sandra Bacon, will be doing the demo

Join us for a fun, fast paced lecture/demo on using acrylics as watermedia. Covered will be: High Flow, Fluids and watercolor on a SERIES OF Acrylic grounds: light molding paste, absorbent ground, black gesso, glass bead gel and more. we will look at iridescent and interference colors, the difference between modern and mineral colors, as well as look at transparencies and tranlucencies and much more..Many new examples and free samples!

Sandra gave us a workshop Feb 4th in Plainfield that was well attended and greatly appreciated.

Sandra Bacon is a classically trained, versatile artist who resides in the Chicago area. Her artwork is informed by a thorough understanding of acrylics, combined with knowledge of a full range of other media. From paintings to commissioned murals and painted sculptures, her artwork is based on a very real draughtsmanship, with emphasis on texture,movement and color, and inspired by direct observation/gesture with layers of images of the human imprint. She has been working as a Golden Paint working artist since 2006, and generously shares her enthusiasm and knowledge in her lecture/demos and workshops. She has a BA in fine arts/literature from University of Redlands CA, and an MFA from Maryland Institute Graduate School of painting. Bacon's artwork has been commissioned and shown nationally and internationally, and is in many private and corporate collections.
click for Sandra Bacon's blog

Plainfield Library is located 15025 S Illinois St, Plainfield, IL 60544 click=map

Members One Night Show (ONS)
A One Night Show (ONS) will also take place during the meeting.  Each member should bring in one artwork to display to everyone at the meeting.  The best judged artwork will receive a ribbon.  Remember, bringing in an artwork for the ONS is a defensive move as the judge is chosen for those members that do NOT bring in a piece.  How's that for an unveiled threat.

Members Gallery
Members, please take a look at our website's Members Gallery page.  14 of 22 members have submitted an artwork image to put on the PAL website.  Everyone else, please send me one of your images to put in our members gallery.  Also, include information about your artworks such as medium(s).  Just a short sentence...  look at the couple of members that have more than their name displayed.  Send your image to  if you need help with getting your image ready, call Mike Bessler @ 630-667-5174.

Members input to our blog
Didn't know we had a blog, did you?  Well we do and here's the address PAL blog.  All you members have some expertise in your arts.  We are planing on publishing articles written by PAL members on the PAL blog. Currently our blog is being updated sporadically.  But now Ken Konjevich is taking over and this is his first official request as the PAL blog admin.  So members, please start writing short articles about what you know and love, your art!  The article can be a how to, or a tip, or something you came across.  Email your submissions to the PAL blog to Ken at

Plainfield Art League (PAL) promotes interest, knowledge, support and participation in the Fine Arts. PAL normally meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm at the Plainfield Public Library 15025 S. Illinois St. Plainfield, IL 60544, check our website at for details.  These monthly meeting are free and open to the public. Meeting location is handicapped accessible. Light refreshments will be provided. 

Plainfield Art League Artwork locations and information

PAL has 2+ artwork exhibit locations that you can visit:

Permanent Exhibit at Plainfield Community Center (PCC)

Permanent Exhibit at Plainfield Township offices

PAL Artwork Online Gallery

Mike Bessler - President - cell 630-667-5174
Plainfield Art League
PO Box 1543, Plainfield, Il 60544

Copyright © 2017 Plainfield Art League, All rights reserved.
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PO Box 1543
Plainfield, IL 60544

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Tita Brady wins PAL Best of Show Ribbon

Tita Brady wins PAL Best of Show Ribbon

Local artist, Tita Brady won the Best of Show ribbon at the Plainfield Art Leagues, February, One Night Show, held at the Plainfield Public Library. Tita won the award for her oil on round canvas titled "The Fan".  Judge Cherly Carman's comments were "Beautiful combination of colors-light & dark emphasizing the fan. The depth & movement draw you into the beauty of the fan --so fragile & delicate & yet so bold! The round canvas definitely adds to the beauty in the design. Great detail! A wonderful piece. Congratulations!

The Plainfield Art League meets and hold its' demos on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm to 8:45pm. The meetings are normally held  in the large meeting room in the Plainfield Public Library located at 15025 S. Illinois Street, in downtown Plainfield. This facility is handicapped accessible. For more information, please visit us at
Tita Brady wins Best of Show ribbon for her artwork titled "The Fan" at PAL's February One Night Show