Sunday, October 29, 2017

Plainfield Art League - Nov 1st 7pm Meeting-Demo-ONS at American House Cedarlake

Nov 1st 7pm meeting, demo and ONS
open to the public at
American House Cederlake-AHC

         ---------- We are NOT meeting at the Library!!!!!!!!!!!! -----------
                This and all demos are free and open to the public

American House Cederlake-AHC is located at 14800 S Van Dyke Rd, Plainfield, IL 60544. 

Demo by Laura Lein-Svencner "The Fine Art of Collage"
National Award Winner and National Collage Society Signature member, co-founder of the Midwest Collage Society, Laura Lein-Svencner will share the process of creating your own collage papers; assembling a collage with a tack iron and the application of an image transfer. As a self-taught artist, Laura has been working in the medium of hand papermaking and collage for 21 years, learning and exploring all the ins and outs of paper itself. She primarily focuses on composition, layering, color and ability to create depth in her collage artwork. Her works have been published in many books by North Light Publishing, The Artist Magazine and The Professional Artist. This demonstration is a must see if you are interested in beginning, or have had some experience with, collage.

American House Cederlake - AHC is located at 14800 S Van Dyke Rd, Plainfield, IL click=map


A Watercolor Pouring Class - The Basics
at Plainfield Community Center-PCC
see below for cost

A Watercolor Pouring Class ~
Three Days~ Thurs. Nov. 9, Tues. Nov.14 & Tues. Nov. 21 
12:30pm to 3:00pm at the Plainfield Community Center
Class min. 4/ max 8    ~   Class Fee: $40.  You bring/buy your own supplies.
Sign Up this Wed. Nov, 1 at PAL's demo night OR email Freddie Harmon at
A supply list will be available Wed. Nov. 1st or upon email request.
Instructor: Freddie Harmon.

Because of construction, you have to enter from Lockport St.  You turn north into the alley next to Vaughan Dance Academy.
PCC is located 15014 S Des Plaines St, Plainfield, IL 60544 click=map

ONS - One Night Show
A One Night Show (ONS) will also take place during the meeting.  Each person attending should bring in one artwork to display to everyone at the meeting.  The best judged artwork will receive a ribbon.  Remember, bringing in an artwork for the ONS is a defensive move as the judge is chosen from those people that do NOT bring in a piece.  How's that for an unveiled threat.

Members Gallery
Members, please take a look at our website's Members Gallery page.  17 of our members have submitted an artwork image to put on the PAL website.  Everyone else, please send me one of your images to put in our members gallery.  We'd like to show the world your wonderful art.  Also, include information about your artworks such as medium(s).  Just a short sentence...  look at the couple of members that have more than their name displayed.  Send your image to  if you need help with getting your image ready, call Mike Bessler @ 630-667-5174.

Plainfield Art League (PAL) promotes interest, knowledge, support and participation in the Fine Arts. PAL normally meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm, check our website at for details.  These monthly meeting are free and open to the public. Meeting location is handicapped accessible. Light refreshments will be provided. 

Plainfield Art League Artwork locations and information

PAL has 2 permanent artwork exhibit locations that you can visit.

Permanent Exhibit at Plainfield Community Center (PCC)

Permanent Exhibit at Plainfield Township offices

PAL Artwork Online Gallery

Mike Bessler - President - cell 630-667-5174
Plainfield Art League
PO Box 1543, Plainfield, Il 60544


Copyright © 2017 Plainfield Art League, All rights reserved.
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Plainfield Art League
PO Box 1543
Plainfield, IL 60544

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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Plainfield Art League - Membership Renewal

Dear Members,
I'm sending this to you as you are currently a member of the Plainfield Art League (PAL).

Our membership year starts October 1st, so now is the time to renew your membership.   Dues will remain the same as last year, Single membership is $40; Family membership is $60, and Patron membership is $40. Your annual dues must be paid to exhibit at any PAL exhibit location including the Best of the Best in December. 

We hope you will continue to enjoy your participation within our network of art professionals, patrons and life-long learners!

You can bring a check to our next monthly meeting or send us a check to our PO box: Plainfield Art League, PO Box 1543, Plainfield, Il 60544, or pay online by clicking or the donate button at the bottom and paying $42/$62 ($2 paypal fee).  Our annual renewals start on October 1st, so your membership will be good through September 30, 2018.  If you joined after May 1 2017, your dues are already good thru Sep 30 2018.

In the months ahead, we hope to see you at our activities: the monthly meetings, "One Night Show" at the monthly meetings, exhibiting your work at PAL's multiple permanent exhibit locations, and volunteering to help us produce PAL events.

The Plainfield Art League normally meets the FIRST Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm.  The meeting location is published on the website and the monthly newsletter.

Our next meeting is Wednesday Nov 1 2017 at American House Cederlake-AHC located at 14800 S Van Dyke Rd, Plainfield, IL 60544.

Demo by Laura Lein-Svencner "The Fine Art of Collage"
National Award Winner and National Collage Society Signature member, co-founder of the Midwest Collage Society, Laura Lein-Svencner will share the process of creating your own collage papers; assembling a collage with a tack iron and the application of an image transfer. As a self-taught artist, Laura has been working in the medium of hand papermaking and collage for 21 years, learning and exploring all the ins and outs of paper itself. She primarily focuses on composition, layering, color and ability to create depth in her collage artwork. Her works have been published in many books by North Light Publishing, The Artist Magazine and The Professional Artist. This demonstration is a must see if you are interested in beginning, or have had some experience with, collage.

We also have our monthly members "One Night Show!".  This show will be a judged/ribboned show and will be judged by a fellow PAL member that will be chosen randomly that evening. Each member should bring in one piece of artwork for that night's show and a "Best of Show" ribbon will be given out at the end of the night.

Watercolor Pouring Class ~ Three Days~ Thurs. Nov. 9, Tues. Nov.14 & Tues. Nov. 21 
12:30pm to 3:00pm at the Plainfield Community Center
Class min. 4/ max 8    ~   Class Fee: $40.  You bring/buy your own supplies.
Sign Up this Wed. Nov, 1 at PAL's demo night OR email Freddie Harmon at
A supply list will be available Wed. Nov. 1st or upon email request.
Instructor: Freddie Harmon - 815-685-8423

We have a wide variety of talented artists within our membership from experienced artists who exhibit regularly in larger art shows and sell their artwork; some having their own studios to create in; and some that are aspiring/beginning artists working at their kitchen table or spare room.  Some members are or have been art teachers, as well as, still learning and developing their technique /medium.  All are encouraged to display their art regularly. 

In addition to demonstrations, we have several exhibits for members art including: The Alliance of Fine Art Best of Best exhibit, local art shows, and our own juried exhibits. At last year's Alliance of Fine Art Best of Best exhibit, a member of our league received a Merit Award for their colored pencil entry and, both last year and this year, 2 area high school students we sponsored, won one of the two $500 awards given to student art. All exhibits are open for public viewing and are available to see on our website:  We also have 2 permanent art gallery locations with the art changing at these locations many times a year.

PAL truly values your participation!  Please join a committee or become a member of our board.  We especially NEED someone to contact artists to do PAL demo's for the 2018 year.  We have open positions for:
Education and Demo's director: Cheryl until filled
Fundraiser incl grant writing, calling, and visiting
Secretary: needs reasonable computer skills: Mike until filled

Visit our website at for additional information.  As a member you are encouraged to submit a photo of your work to be included on the website.  Need help with that?  Let me know.  Please feel free to contact me anytime. 

The membership application form is available thru this link.   Thank you for your continued support.  Happy New (Membership) Year!

Thank you for supporting PAL and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Mike Bessler - 630-667-5174
Plainfield Art League
Plainfield Art League website


Plainfield Art League (PAL) promotes interest, knowledge, support and participation in the Fine Arts. PAL normally meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm, check our website at for details.  These monthly meeting are free and open to the public. Meeting location is handicapped accessible. Light refreshments will be provided. 

Plainfield Art League Artwork locations and information

PAL has 2 permanent artwork exhibit locations that you can visit.

Permanent Exhibit at Plainfield Community Center (PCC)

Permanent Exhibit at Plainfield Township offices

PAL Artwork Online Gallery

Mike Bessler - President - cell 630-667-5174
Plainfield Art League
PO Box 1543, Plainfield, Il 60544


Copyright © 2017 Plainfield Art League, All rights reserved.
You're receiving this email and occasionally others because you are a member of Plainfield Art League. If you are happy to receive these emails, then do nothing as they will continue. If however you do not want to receive these emails, please click on unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.

Our mailing address is:
Plainfield Art League
PO Box 1543
Plainfield, IL 60544

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Monday, October 23, 2017

Plainfield Art League November Meeting News Release

Plainfield Art League Press Release
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 The Plainfield Art League would like to invite you to our November meeting and Open to the public One Night Show on Wednesday, November 1, 2017, from 7pm to 8:45pm at American House Cedarlake-AHC. This and all demos are free and open to the public.

This months demonstration is The Fine Art of Collage done by Laure Lein-Svencner. National Award Winner and National Collage Society Signature member, co-founder of the Midwest Collage Society, Laura Lein-Svencner will share the process of creating your own collage paper; assembling a collage with a tack iron and the application an image transfer. As a self-taught artist, Laura has been working in the medium of hand paper making and collage for 21 years, learning and exploring all the ins and outs of paper itself. She primarily focuses on composition, layering, color and the ability to create depth in her collage artwork. Her works have been published in many books by North Light Publishing, The Artist Magazine and The Professional Artisit. This demonstration is a must see if you are interested in beginning or have had some experience with collage.
In addition to the demonstration, please bring a piece of your artwork to be entered into The One Night Show! Meeting Demonstration and The One Night Art Show is free to the public!


Please come early to ensure you get a seat. Light refreshments will be provided. Plainfield Art League's demonstrations are free and open to the public. Note location change. This meeting is not at the Plainfield Library. The meeting will be at American House Cedarlake-AHC which is located at 14800 S. Van Dyke Rd., Plainfield IL 60544. The facility is handicapped accessible, so don't let that stop you from joining the group in a fun and interesting night. For more information, please visit us at or send us an email to

Copyright © 2017 Plainfield Art League, All rights reserved.
Plainfield Art League (PAL) is releasing information regarding events and activities. PAL is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. If this is reaching the wrong person, please reply to this email with the correct email and name.

Our mailing address is:
Plainfield Art League
PO Box 1543
Plainfield, IL 60544

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