Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 2009 Board Meeting Minutes

The Board of Directors meeting was attended by directors Mike Bessler, Cheryl Carman, Joe Hadamik, Sheryl Jones, Chairman, Tina Storey, Treasurer, and Christine Kohn, Secretary and by  Jane Scheutz, a PAL member with experience with exhibiting work of individual artists.

Nominating Committee As required by PAL bylaws, a nominating committee was appointed to select of slate of officers and directors to announced to members at the April demo night.   Christine Kohn and Tina Storey will serve on the committee.


Review of application and agreement for Featured Artist Exhibit.  Proposed draft s of an  application for individual artist s exhibits and the agreement to be signed by the featured artist were circulated to the board members prior  to the meeting.  Comments and changes were discussed including the following:


1.            Title changed from" Individual" to "Featured" artist exhibit to allow for two members to share the allotted exhibit space for an exhibit month if the artists request it. 

2.            Members may exhibit once per year, unless there is no one on the waiting list for a desired month, in which case a member may have a second featured artist exhibit within the year.

3.            Key deposit changed to $25.  Fees for prime and non-prime months were confirmed.

4.            Featured Artists may donate a portion of the proceeds of sales from his or her Featured Artist Exhibit and, if that is the intent , the featured artist is encouraged to advertise that intention by a sign displayed as part of the exhibit. Artists' donations of a percentage of exhibit proceeds will be acknowledged in the PAL Newsletter.

5.            Featured Artist Exhibits will be announced at March demo and opened for applications for the remainder of 2009, with the first Featured Artist Exhibit  beginning April 4, 2009.  In case more than one artist requests the same month, names will be drawn from a hat to determine the featured artist for that month.


Copies of the revised application and agreement are attached.


Miscellaneous Items.


1.            Clock near from door has been replaced.  A bulletin board to be mounted over the water cooler will be donated and the monthly calendar of events will be posted.

2.            Exhibit judges will continue to be recruited as they have been in the past.  There will be only one judge per exhibit.  Judges are not paid a fee.

3.            The coming Renaissance exhibit will be judged by Gary Schirmer and awards will be made at the March 21 Exhibit Reception .

4.            As decided at February meeting, the Exhibit Entry Form has been updated.

5.            A list of March announcements was circulated for comments before being published.


 Discussion of Credit Card / Paypal Use


The possible acceptance of credit cards for payment of membership dues and to sign up for classes and workshops was discussed.  Further discussion will be had pending research into questions. 


1.            For PayPal, the cost is 3.4% of total or roughly $2 per transaction.  There are no monthly fees regardless of usage.  (No Paypal account is necessary in order to use any credit card.) 

2.            Determine how  to handle the $2  transaction fee.  Investigate how Illinois handles: a "handling fee"?

3.            Develop forms for  members to pay online for PAL membership and  class registrations (for submitting  personal info and payment options).

4.            Work out procedures for instructors to accept credit cards for class registrations.

5.            Need bank account information for  PayPal to pay PAL.

6.            If payment made on line, figure out how to indicate what payment is for  (since payment is made on line and the registrations are sent by mail).

7.            Determine how to let instructors know that payment has been received.


PAL Booth at Mayslake Art Fair (Oak Brook) July 25-26   As discussed at the February meeting, each  Art League will be allowed to set up one booth free of charge. A brief discussion of the possible uses of such a booth included having members' work on display   To proceed we need volunteers to manage this as a project and one person to manage the volunteers.  As none of the board members are available to manage the project, a final announcement and call for volunteers will be made at the March 11 demo night.



Submitted by


Christine Kohn, Secretary

March 8, 2009

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